V-Shift Momentum Research Group

Our Team:


Principal Investigator:

Miklós SEBŐK is a Senior Research Fellow at the Centre of Social Sciences in Budapest. He earned an M.A. degree in politics at the University of Virginia and an M.A. degree in economics at the Corvinus University of Budapest. He received his Ph.D. in Political Science from ELTE University of Budapest. He currently serves as senior research fellow of the Institute for Political Science at the Centre for Social Sciences in Budapest. Miklós Sebők is also the research director of the Hungarian Comparative Agendas Project and the research co-director of the Artificial Intelligence National Lab at CSS, Budapest. His research interests include political economy, public policy and the application of text mining and machine learning methods in these fields.

Senior Researchers:

Orsolya RING received her Ph.D. in History from ELTE University of Budapest. She is working in the poltextLAB Project on creation and classification of large-scale newspaper corpora and elaboration of a domain-specific method for Hungarian sentiment analysis applying various machine learning methods. She is also working on the building of large-scale historical text corpora and its analysis by NLP methods in the Research Group Computational Social Science (CSS-RECENS).


Csaba MOLNÁR studied political science (BA, MA Corvinus University of Budapest, BA, Nottingham Trent University). He earned a PhD from Corvinus University of Budapest. In the poltextLAB project he is responsible for NLP-related and database building tasks. His main research fields are right-wing radicalism and legislative studies. He also participates in the Hungarian Comparative Agendas Project where he works on legislative database development.

István Üveges

István ÜVEGES is a researcher at the HUN-REN Centre for Social Sciences, Political and Legal Text Mining and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (poltextLAB), and a Computational Linguist at MONTANA Knowledge Management Ltd. He previously earned BSc degree in Computer Science, and MA degree in Theoretical Linguistics. His main interests include practical applications of Automation, Artificial Intelligence (Machine Learning), Computational Propaganda, Legal Language (legalese) studies and the Plain Language Movement.


Young Scholars:

Ákos Holányi

Ákos HOLÁNYI is a doctoral student of international and European studies at the Doctoral School of Public Administration Sciences of the University of Public Service, Hungary. He previously earned an undergraduate degree in Human Geography at Durham University, UK and a postgraduate degree in Balkan, Eurasian and Central European Studies at Charles University, Czechia. His current research explores the interest advocacy of small states in the European Union as well as the regional cooperation platforms of Central European states.


Rebeka KISS earned her bachelor’s degree in public administration, then an undivided master’s degree in science of public governance (University of Public Service). She is currently a PhD student of the Doctoral School of Public Administration Sciences of the University of Public Service, also a law student at the Faculty of Law of Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE). Her main field of research is legislation. Within constitutional law, her research focuses on the explanatory memorandum of laws. She has been involved in the CAP and poltextLAB projects since 2019.


Viktor Kovács

Viktor KOVÁCS is a  Computer Science Engineer graduated from the University of Szeged. His primary interests include machine learning, neural networks and natural language processing. He currently writes his bachelor’s thesis on diagnostic classification of schizophrenia using state-of-the-art deep learning models.


Anna Takács

Anna TAKÁCS earned her bachelor’s degree in Applied Economics from Corvinus University of Budapest. She is currently enrolled for the International Economy and Management master’s programme at John von Neumann University, where her thesis focuses on the modelling of exchange rates using news articles. 



Richárd Lehoczki


Project Managers:

Zoé Baumgartner

Laura Seben

Contributors in earlier phases

Norbert Huszti

Sándor Kozák

Dorottya Lovász

Melinda Manczinger

Ákos Máté

Levente Pakot

Áron Somogyi

Ágnes Tőrös