6 September, 2023 – Ákos Máté’s presentation on CAP Babel Machine at the ECPR General Conference

On September 6, Ákos Máté presented the paper “Introducing the CAP BABEL MACHINE: A state-of-the-art AI solution for automated coding of policy agendas” at the 2023 General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) hosted by Charles University, Prague. Ákos Máté’s paper presentation took place in the Machine Learning and AI in Political Science panel, in the Advancements and Innovations in Research Design and Methods: New Conditions or New Challenges? section. 

The abstract of the paper is available here: https://ecpr.eu/Events/Event/PaperDetails/69814 

The ECPR General Conference program is available here: https://ecpr.eu/Events/AcademicProgramme/Programme?EventID=214 

If you are interested in the CAP Babel Machine, you can find it here: https://babel.poltextlab.com/