28 June, 2023 – Miklós Sebők’s paper presentations at the 15th Annual CAP Conference in Antwerp

The University of Antwerp hosted the 15th Annual CAP Conference between June 27 and 29, 2023. At the conference, Miklós Sebők presented two papers in the “Methodological Advancements” section. 

The two papers are entitled “Introducing the CAP BABEL MACHINE: A state-of-the-art AI solution for automated CAP coding”, and “Assessing the Policy Agenda of U.S. Presidential Speeches – A Sentence-Level Deep Learning Approach” (co-authored by Ákos Máté and Amnon Cavari).

He also presented the CAP Babel Machine service (babel.poltextlab.com) of poltextLAB in the plenary session.