31 March, 2023 – Successful submission for the 2nd SLICES-SC Open Call

The poltextLAB team’s submission for the SLICES-SC consortium’s “2nd SLICES-SC Open Call” has been successfully accepted. The SLICES-SC project builds a community of researchers around SLICES-RI, which offers the necessary solutions to create and manage efficiently IT-related experiments.

As per the successful proposal, poltextLAB will be granted access to the imec research group iLab.t‘s GPULab infrastructure starting from April 2023. The GPULab is a testbed with 125+ GPUs with over 570.000+ cuda cores and 1.8TB+ GPU RAM for AI research and every research that needs GPUs. The poltextLAB team will exploit imec’s infrastructure to carry out a finetuning experiment of the large language models used in the CAP BABEL MACHINE project.