Month: April 2022

22 April, 2022 – Miklós Sebők’s lecture at the “There is something new under the Sun“ conference

The head of poltextLAB presented his latest results on empirical text mining of legislation, including research on the legislative stability index, which is based on an automated, dictionary-based text mining approach to the analysis of law amendment-type relations (Sebők, M. – Kubik, B. Gy. – Molnár, Cs. – Járay, I. – Székely, A. (2022): Measuring legislative stability – A new approach with data from Hungary. In: European Political Science).

13 April, 2022 – Article by Miklós Sebők, Bálint György Kubik, Csaba Molnár, István Járay and Anna Székely in European Political Science

A new article by Miklós Sebők, Bálint György Kubik, Csaba Molnár, István Járay and Anna Székely was published in the European Political Science journal. The title of the article is Measuring legislative stability: a new approach with data from Hungary. “While the stability of legislation is one of the fundamental issues in political theory, comparative and quantitative analyses on the subject are in short supply in the political science literature. In this article, we propose a novel measurement scheme for legislative stability, and we also introduce a Legislative Stability Index (LSI) developed to this end. In terms of empirical evidence, our index relies on the number of legislative amendments adopted within the span of an electoral cycle, as well as the breadth of issues the amendments touch on. It is based on the frequency with which laws are amended after their adoption. Our approach uses a new law-amendment edge-type network for a new Hungarian legislative database. Amendment-type connections are discovered by an automated dictionary-based text mining method.“ If you would like to continue reading the article, you can find it on this link.