27 January, 2022 – Article by Miklós Sebők, Ágnes M. Balázs and Csaba Molnár in Journal of Public Policy

A new article was published in the Journal of Public Policy by Miklós Sebők, Ágnes M. Balázs and Csaba Molnár.  

The title of the article is Punctuated equilibrium and progressive friction in socialist autocracy, democracy and hybrid regimes.

“The analysis of public policy agendas in comparative politics has been somewhat limited in terms of geography, time frame and political system, with studies on full-blown autocracies and hybrid regimes few and far between. This article addresses this gap by comparing policy dynamics in three Hungarian regimes over 73 years. Besides our theoretical contribution related to policy-making in Socialist autocracy and illiberal democracy, we also test hypotheses related to non-democratic regimes. We find that – similarly to developed democracies – policy agendas in autocracies are mostly stable with occasional but large-scale “punctuations”. Our data also confirms that these punctuations are more pronounced in non-democratic polities.”

If you would like to continue reading, click on this link and enjoy the article!