25 November, 2021 – OPTED: Legislative text corpora inventory of WP5 database

The long-term objective of WP5 within the OPTED project is to compile a database which provides a comprehensive, easy-to-use collection of legislative speeches and legislative documents covering all EU member countries, the most important EU institutions, as well as the United Kingdom and Israel.

With the contribution of Miklós Sebők, Soks-Oliver Proksch, Christian Rauh, Anna Székely, Ágnes Dinnyés, Eszter Lancsár, Jan Schwalbach, Alexander Dalheimer, the core product of this half year period is an inventory in the form of a spreadsheet which provides an overview of already existing collections of legislative texts.

The researchers collected data from all available sources, such as parliamentary websites and secondary sources created by scholars or NGOs. They identified the set of currently available sources – covering both primary archives and secondary data collections – by reviewing relevant academic literature, by scoping extant linguistic infrastructures (such as CLARIN), and by surveying the computational social science community via social media.

For further information, visit the official website of OPTED.